Saturday, June 04, 2005

...Donde estan los ladrones? H.P.S.

When you can't really speak with anybody...beacause...what u have to say would not be productive...but you really sayyy IM SORRY!!! i really am....i hope those ppl wherever they are...they will pay...and that ur sad face makes me sad too...beacuse i care bout you...even though many ppl wouldn't understand...and...even though...there are sometimes when i don't really get u...(tragando palabras te vas dando cuenta de que a veces lo logico es lo mas dificil...y poquito a poco te vas acercando a la llama que quema a las mariposas...azules y blancas entre las cenizas...las alas sin vida de vuelos suicidas...)but i keep my head up high...because there's something that i still got with me...the magic that you have...the weird stuff....i luv...jejejeje...remitiendome a 11 minutos...y aquello de la humillacion y toda esa parla...pero la unica cosa que ha valido la pena...llegar a la paz a traves del dolor...y pues algunos de nosotros estamos destinados a la soledad


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